Stewarding Team


As a Stewarding Team Member, you will play an essential role in ensuring the smooth and organised operation of our church services and events. Your attention to detail and dedication to creating a comfortable environment will contribute to a positive experience for all attendees.


  • Assist with seating arrangements to ensure optimal use of available space during services and events.
  • Greet and guide attendees to their designated seating areas with a friendly and helpful demeanor.
  • Direct individuals to toilets, facilities, and other relevant areas within the church premises.
  • Aid in crowd management to maintain an orderly flow during peak times, such as entry and exit.
  • Aid in crowd management in the event of an evacuation.
  • Collaborate with fellow Stewarding Team Members to address any seating or logistical challenges.
  • Ensure that emergency exits and pathways remain clear and accessible at all times.
  • Provide assistance to individuals with mobility challenges or specific needs, offering support and accommodation.
  • Participate in training sessions to familiarise yourself with church layouts, safety procedures, and event schedules.
  • Help maintain a clean and organised environment in seating areas and adjacent spaces.


  • Friendly and approachable demeanor, even during busy times.
  • Strong organisational skills and attention to detail.
  • Excellent communication skills to provide clear directions and assistance to attendees.
  • Patience and empathy when dealing with individuals requiring special assistance.
  • Reliability and punctuality when fulfilling your stewarding duties.
  • Ability to remain composed and adaptable, especially in high-pressure situations.
  • Team-oriented mindset and willingness to collaborate with fellow team members.
  • Familiarity with the church’s layout, services, and events is beneficial.

Joining the Stewarding Team offers an opportunity to actively contribute to the smooth functioning of our services and events. Your role will enhance the overall experience of attendees, ensuring that they can focus on worship and fellowship without logistical concerns.