Thank you for your interest in giving to our building fund. This so appreciated.

To give simply fill your card details below and select Building Fund from the list of available funds. If you would prefer to give by direct bank transfer you will find the details required further down the page.

If you, your family or business would like to sponsor some part of the next phase please be in touch and one of the team will be happy to facilitate a discussion with you. We have projects ranging in value from a few hundred pounds right up into the fifty thousand mark.

Contact us on

Bank details for direct bank transfer UK

BankBank of Scotland
Account NameHarvest Christian Fellowship
Sort Code80-08-24
Account Number10064665
Please add a reference to your transaction (E.g. your surname) in order that we can identify the source of the gift(s)

IBAN details for direct bank transfer from outside the UK

BankBank of Scotland
Account NameHarvest Christian Fellowship
Sort Code80-08-24
Account Number00271618
IBANGB52 BOFS 8008 2400 2716 18
Please add a reference to your transaction (E.g. your surname) in order that we can identify the source of the gift(s)